Colours of Spring

Spring is just about over and I have decided to share a few of my favourite photos from the season. Some are representing the beautiful colours of this time of year and others not so much. All of the photos are taken in my yard. I could have gone out and investigated all of New Minas for a multitude of the colours and sites of spring but I found such abundance of it in my own yard, I decided to stay home and take advantage of it. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I enjoyed taking them.

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About head birdbrain

Robin Hindle is an artist and a retired graphic designer living in Nova Scotia, Canada. She has been an artist for more than thirty years and was a graphic designer for twenty-five years. Now, at the age of sixty-three, Robin is adding writer to her list of accomplishments. She has written and illustrated her first book called Famlaer-The real faeryland.

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