I discovered this artist quite a long time ago. The very first image I saw, I loved it instantly. His detail and imagination are like nothing else that I have ever seen. His work is contemporary surrealism, and although there are many other artists similar to Daniel, I still find his art to be the best of the lot. He is described as being ” Known for his prolific exploration of the romantically surreal. Merriam offers visitors a first-hand glimpse into the visual pleasure dome within which he has fostered his career and way of life”. This quote was taken from his website. I love the saying on his site, stating, “There is no better amusement park better than the imagination itself.” It’s almost as good as “Imagination is more important than Knowledge.” by Albert Einstein.
Here are a few samples of his work and a link to his website. Daniel Merriam’s Bubble Street Gallery
It is difficult to choose what to show because everything is so beautiful and playful. It’s hard to have a favourite. I hope you enjoy his work as much as I do.