Woke up yesterday morning to the most beautiful aftermath of a winter storm. Everything was sagging with white because the snow was so heavy. So I had to go out into the yard and take photographs with the hope of capturing some of the breathtaking beauty. I also went across the road to the park where the colours of the swings and slides were peeking through the snow. Here are just few of the photos I took. I hope you enjoy them.
- Couldn’t believe there was a spider in the snow. Yes it is alive.
- When I took this photo, all I saw was the colour against the white and black, but when I looked at the photo I saw something else. I saw a new fairy character there. A slightly hunched red being all lumpy & bumpy carrying a pack on his back.
- I took this photo because of the subtle colours of the birch tress against the snow.
- I love this one the best of the trees. I’d like to do a painting of this one with all it’s subtle greys, blacks and whites.
- Anyone for hot chocolate in the snow.
- Late afternoon the sun beamed through the trees.
- After the sun came out it all started to melt. All this in just one day.