After the Storm…A winter wonderland.

Woke up yesterday morning to the most beautiful aftermath of a winter storm. Everything was sagging with white because the snow was so heavy. So I had to go out into the yard and take photographs with the hope of capturing some of the breathtaking beauty. I also went across the road to the park where the colours of the swings and slides were peeking through the snow. Here are just few of the photos I took. I hope you enjoy them.

Canadian Photographer of the Month…Ute Muller

This month I decided to feature a friend of mine here in Victoria. I have known Ute Muller for many years and have loved her photography since she began taking photographs. Ute mainly works with available light and uses it to perfection. The colours pop of the page and the extraordinary clarity is one of my favourite things about her work.  Here is a short bio.

Ute was born in a small town in Germany and moved to Canada when she was 24. She worked in several types of jobs but came into her own when she took up photography. After having her daughter, Ute took an online course with the New York Institute of Photography. She bought some photography gear from a man who shot weddings. They soon became friends and he offered her a chance to be his second shooter, and now a few years later she runs a small business called “fotoart photography” and her friend is now her second shooter.

Ute doesn’t only do weddings though, she also does family portraits. I don’t mean the kind where you have some painted backdrop and hot lighting everywhere, but very natural and beautiful photos out with nature or using the natural light from a nearby window. I find her photos to be imaginative and enchanting. It was very difficult for me to choose just a few photos, but I finally decided. I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I do. If you would like to see more of Ute’s photography visit her web site & blog. Be sure to check earlier posts as well, there many photos unrelated to weddings & family as well.