Backyard Nature

Nature Photography
by robin hindle

Today was a cool cloudy day and in spite of that I decided to have coffee on the deck. As I sat there I noticed how beautiful everything looked. There were birds, squirrels, green grass and beautiful flowers. So I took my camera and started taking pictures. I used my Nikon D5100 with the AF Nikor 80-200 zoom lens. Everywhere I looked was like magic. So serene and peaceful and yet activity all around with wood peckers, blue jays, humming birds, nuthatch and squirrels. Well just one squirrel of whom is named Earl. Yes I name all the animals that come into my yard. Earl the squirrel, jay the blue jay, woody the wood pecker although there are two different wood peckers, one is a downy and the other a hairy. Also the northern flicker (Flick for short) is also of the wood pecker family. One of which came for a visit but I didn’t get a photo. Hummy the humming bird, and last but not least the Nuthatch of which I have yet to think of a name. Most of the photos are taken from my deck except for the flowers. The lilacs are finally in full bloom after such a cool spring and the lupin are just coming into bloom now.

So here are a few pictures of my backyard nature. Some of the photos are a tad blurry but lovely creatures just the same. If you want to see the info on each photo press the “i” at the bottom of the image. Enjoy.

On another note, I am thinking of once again featuring artists and photographers. Preferably Canadian or local Nova Scotian. If you know of anyone whose art you would like to see promoted let me know and I’ll contact them and get the ball rolling. I will feature one artist and one photographer a month. So please send me your picks on who you would like to see for my next feature.


As promised, here is my next installment of photos. For this post I’ll be showing photos of bugs. This is my least favourite thing about the warm weather, but my favourite thing to photograph. I love using my micro lens. It’s old and a bit banged up but it still takes crisp clean pictures. As with my zoom lens this lens will not work in auto-focus mode on my camera.

There are four photos, all taken with the AF MICRO NIKKOR 1:2.8 D Nikon lens.

Enjoy my euwwww photos.

A New Year, A New Image and New Ideas

I haven’t done much blogging in the last year but I am going to change that for 2016. I am now semi-retired from graphic design and will be concentrating more on my art and maybe a few crafts as well. As before I will once again be featuring local Nova Scotia or Canadian artists & photographers. I also thought I’d add some craft ideas. For now I am going to do the research needed to find an artist of the month and a photographer of the month for February. If you know of anyone you think I should feature please let me know. I’m always up for your thoughts and ideas.

In the mean time, I’d like to feature a few of my favorite photos from 2015. I traveled to Ontario from Nova Scotia for some of these photos, and the rest are taken locally in the Annapolis Valley. The valley has such beautiful country side and watching the colours change from summer into fall is quite spectacular although I’m not sure how well I captured that magnificent colour. My favorite places to frequent and photograph are Blomidon Beach & The Look-Off. During low tide the beach goes out for ever. The sand is fairly hard and red. The cliffs are also made with red sandy clay and the combination of the red clay, deep green plants and rich blue sky make for a most stunning aray of colours.

I hope you enjoy these few memories of 2015.

Macro & Close-up Photography

I decided to share a few more of my photos with you this post. I’ve been taking so many photos I just have to show them off. So with not so much ado, here they are. Enjoy.

Canadian Photographer of the Month

This month I am featuring Sophie Photo, a talented photographer in Victoria, BC. Well actually two people, Sophie and Rob. But for this post I will be talking about Sophie Lecavalier.
Sophie contacted me to do a remake on her logo. When I went to her site I really liked what I saw so I said yes to the logo remake and I enjoyed Sophie’s work so much that I decided I’d like to feature her on my blog this month.
Here is a small portion of her bio. You can see the rest on her site at .
Sophie has been passionate about photography for 20 years now and with the advent of the digital age this passion only increases each day.
Over the past 20 years she has taken courses, self-study and continually updated her skills. She has perfected her practical and technical abilities so her camera is an extension of herself. She can concentrate on the emotions and connections that make the difference between a good picture and a great one. She now offers that experience to your family or business.
One of Sophie’s latest passions in her photography is doing Glamour photo shoots. Although there are not very many in her portfolio yet, I can see already that she’s already doing a fantastic job.
Here are a few samples of Sophie’s photography. To see more please visit her website .